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RVB's Market Musings

What began here as an avenue to interact and learn has far exceeded those goals.

If you are a prospective employer, please consider this site a place where you can see my passion for investing...

Monday, April 03, 2006

RVB's Blog traffic = price action we like to see

If RVB's Market Musings were a stock, it's ticker would obviously be RVB (is a self-link the equivalent of using my own name in the third person?) . COOL could perhaps also be on the list (and I believe that it's available). Surely, my girlfriend would pitch DORK to my board of directors. Of course, it would be cheapest to use a four letter ticker than RVB, since it's cheaper to list on the Nasdaq! At any rate, according to blogshares, my share price is up 92% since its IPO (data as of March 17)! I owe it all to you who read. I'll keep writing if y'all keep readin' (I might even keep writing anyways).

While you may think that this data a true waste of time, my defense is simple. I need a study break. There are only so many academic articles I can read about "Optimal Capital Structure" and "Raising Capital" before I fall asleep. So, rather than rely on my sleeping drool as the sole firefighting mechanism for saving my precious $86 course packet from my pumpkin-spice cented candles, I browse. It's safer and cheaper...although if I perish in a fire because C. Smith from U-Rochester puts me to sleep with his babble, at least my family will know the name of the culprit. I guess there's risk in everything we do.


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