The Job Hunt
Deviating from market ideas today, I am actively seeking a summer internship in Equity Research or Portfolio Management. Proprietary trading would be cool, too, but realistically it would be tough to get that gig for a summer.
It's been slow going, but it appears that firms are now beginning to interview candidates. This is good since I at least now have one semester of Finance and Accounting behind me.
I've got my resume in order, a list of people to contact, and a list of online applications to fill out. Fortunately we meet potential employers each week during our seminar class.
I also have a 17 page analyst report on Panera Bread (PNRA) almost completed. I have a few issues to fix, and then it should be ready to show potential employers. In case you're wondering, I have a "buy" rating on the stock, with a conservative price target of $74...but I will add that the reward-to-risk ratio isn't quite favorable at its $63.70 share price. The highest analyst target is $87 and I think the lowest is $63, but I haven't spent much time reading their reports -> that's not my job.
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